CS 373 Spring 2021 Week 8: Melanie De La Cruz

Melanie De La Cruz
2 min readMar 13, 2021

What did you do this past week?

This week I studied for a test and completed assignments for my other classes. I also met with my project group to discuss the next phase of the IDB project so we now have a better understanding of what needs to be implemented for this phase.

What’s in your way?

Nothing, it’s Spring Break time!! I just need to make sure I get some work done for my classes so I won’t be overwhelmed after the break. One of my group’s biggest challenges at the moment is figuring out how we are going to determine which dog breeds are compatible with certain cities, but I think we have come up with some good ideas that we can test out.

What will you do next week?

Next week I will meet with my project group to get some of the project done. Mostly I will try to get some rest so I can hopefully finish out the semester strong.

If you read it, what did you think of the Liskov Substitution Principle?

I was a little confused by the paraphrased explanation of the Liskov Substitution Principle, but it made more sense after reading the article. The examples were especially very helpful in showing how the LSP works practically within your code and why it is so important to not violate the Principle.

What was your experience of iteration, comprehendions, generators, and digits iterator?

I thought it was interesting to see how these topics were implemented in Python since the code was much simpler than it would have been in other programming languages. The digits iterator was fairly straightforward to implement and I found it useful to practice writing an iterator class.

What made you happy this week?

I am visiting my sister and I was very happy to see her dog again! I have also been enjoying the warm weather but I hope that it won’t be as cloudy this next week.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip -of-the-week?

If you are preparing for a technical interview, it can be very helpful to practice working through a problem over a video call with a friend acting as the interviewer so you can get practice explaining your code and make sure your technology works. If you can’t meet up with a friend it can also be helpful to practice explaining your code out loud while you work on a problem.



Melanie De La Cruz

Computer Science Student at UT Austin